Vroue in Afrikaans – ‘n videoreeks

This article is published in Afrikaans. Please refer to the bottom of the article for an English translation.

Vroue vir Afrikaans – ‘n videoreeks

Afrikaans.com kies jaarliks vier besondere vroue wat uitstaan en ’n verskil maak in en deur Afrikaans. Augustus is Vrouemaand en daarom is dit gepas dat ons hierdie vroue juis gedurende dié spesiale maand aan julle voorstel. Jy kan elke Dinsdag na heerlike onderhoude op ons webtuiste uitsien.

Arlene Wehr wil veral jong vroue inspireer.

Arlene Wehr

Lees die volle artikel

Women for Afrikaans – a video series

Annually, Afrikaans.com chooses four remarkable women who stand out and make a difference in and through Afrikaans. August is Women’s Month and it is therefore appropriate that we introduce these women to you during this special month. You can look forward to great interviews on our website every Tuesday.

Arlene Wehr especially wants to inspire young women.

Read the full article (the article is in Afrikaans)

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